Lactation Consultations

Breastfeeding can be physically and emotionally exhausting and trusting the process can be hard. You are not alone!

What to expect:

During a lactation consultation we will spend time discussing your overall health, your labor and delivery and your breastfeeding story.  We will create a personal and detailed plan to overcome challenges and barriers and work through it together. My goal is to provide a well written plan that is sustainable to follow. 

Based on the questions you have and how your baby is feeding there may be a breast exam for you, or an oral exam for your baby. A weight check is included and we will take time to see a feeding session that will tell us how much your baby transferred during that feeding session.

We may also cover what bottles are available and which would be best for your baby, how to balance breastfeeding with bottle feeding, pumping or formula and make a plan for getting things to seem more realistic.

Below are some of the most common reasons to schedule an appointment; however, you can schedule for any question or concern you are experiencing.

When to call:

  • Your baby’s latch is painful

  • You feel like you should be getting more from a pumping session

  • Your baby is not gaining weight well

  • Your baby is gaining weight well but coughs and chokes or seems uncomfortable at times while feeding

  • You are worried that you may have too much or too little milk

  • You have questions about how much breastmilk your baby is getting throughout a feed and would like a measured feeding session to confirm

  • The “Triple Feeding” (Breastfeed, Bottle feed, Pump) plan you are following is unsustainable and you would like to make changes

  • You have questions about tongue tie (also called ankyloglossia) and how it may be impacting breastfeeding

  • You have been told you need to supplement with formula

  • You have been using a nipple shield and you are ready to transition away from it

  • It seems like your baby prefers to feed on one breast more than the other, or has an easier time feeding on one side

  • Your baby will not take a bottle

  • You want to stop breastfeeding/pumping/producing milk

  • You have no idea what to do or how to know what information from which book is actually helpful but feeding your baby is challenging and you would like help

*Nourish Lactation is in network with most major insurance providers.
here for the more details.